NGC5128, Caldwell 77 - Centaurus A

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NGC5128, Caldwell 77 - Centaurus A
Constellation: Centaurus (the Centaur)
Type: Peculiar Galaxy
Position: RA13h22m32s
Magnitude: 7
Exposure: Taken 5/13/07 at the Texas Star Party.
17 X 300 sec ISO 800
Processing: Raw images converted to 16bit TIFs, dark subtracted and stacked (min/max excluded average) in ImagesPlus.
Digital development in ImagesPlus.  Levels and curves adjusted in PhotoShop.
Equipment: Canon 300d (modified)
Orion 80ED  f/7.5 refractor at prime focus
Losmandy G11 Gemini mount
SBIG ST-4 autoguider
Celestron guide scope
Notes: NGC5128 is a powerful source of radio emissions.  It is thought to be a collision between a massive eliptical galaxy and a smaller spiral galaxy.

Check out my previous film version taken at the 2004 Texas Star Party.

Locator Chart

cent-a-chart.gif (5292 bytes)
Chart copyright Steven Tuma and Dean Williams - Deepsky Astronomy Software

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